Off-Grid Norway Yoga & Hiking Retreat
The breathtaking hikes, the exhilarating river and waterfall swimming, Marita and Sabin’s magical sound bath, Zofia’s heartfelt Thai massage workshop—simply wow, wow, wow!
I was joined by a fantastic group of human beings on this retreat, many of whom were pushing well out of their comfort zones, and for many of them, this is not the kind of trip they would normally take. It means so much to me that they trusted me enough to take a leap of faith and join me on what did indeed turn out to be quite a journey!
Our hosts, Marita and Sabine, are two of the kindest and most generous people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. From the moment we arrived, they made us feel incredibly welcome, and throughout our stay, their love and passion for what they do was crystal clear. What they have accomplished with this beautiful and special land in just three short years is nothing short of amazing! They have lovingly built all the structures using timber from the surrounding forest. The result is a profound connection to the land, whether inside or out. The experience of teaching in their yoga shala will be incredibly hard to beat!
The food was simply divine! All plant-based, mostly locally sourced, and not just delicious and nutritious but presented at a gourmet level. I know their wonderful group of workaway volunteers had a significant hand in the preparation, so I would like to thank them too. They were generous enough to share their recipes with us, so I will try to recreate some of the dishes—but I know they won’t be the same!
There is a word in Sanskrit that is difficult to translate: bhāva. It means “is-ness” or “ground of being” or “way of being.” At the beginning of our retreat, I set a bhāva of “belonging”—belonging in our bodies, belonging with each other as a group of human beings, and belonging in our natural world. We certainly lived that bhāva. In just five days, we came to feel like family. The support and love emanating from this newly formed tribe simply blew me away!
I’m hoping that this will be the first retreat of many at this wonderful place, but this one will always hold an incredibly special place in my heart. I could not have hoped for a better group! We came home so full of love, and I’m hoping that will ripple out into our troubled world. 

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu—may all beings everywhere be happy.